hey guys

There is a guy i’m casually seeing since July, we meet up once every week and usually have a time, date and place set. This week I asked him to come around to mine on saturday and he said yes but said he will be out the night before so will let me know what time he’ll come over on saturday as he will be hungover, we usually establish a time before the day we meet so i’m wondering if he’s just saying this and will not actually text me back on saturday to let me know what time he’s coming over. I did say to him i’m at home most of the day so he can come whenever. I know with casual dating I have to be prepared for it to end abruptly so just wanna know if i’m being naive in thinking he will text back on saturday to let me know what time he’s coming or if he will ghost or cancel last minute?

edit: I forgot to add but he did give a rough time around late afternoon/early evening but said he’d confirm the exact time on the day

1 comment
  1. Honestly, you guys have had a consistent, albeit casual, thing for months now and unless there’s other incidents of him being flakey that you didn’t mention, I’m not seeing any reason to not take him at his word. I think he just didn’t wanna commit to a time and then last minute sleep through it or end up having to push it later or whatever. I’d still be reasonably confident your plans are on. Life happens sometimes 🙂

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