So I have been talking to her for 3 weeks we get along really well we have a lot of the same interest. We unfortunately have not been able to go on a date, due to our schedules being hard to match up. I’ve have fallen for her alot quicker then I think she has for me. But when I asked her if she shared the same feelings she said she thinks so but it just takes her a while. And some times she will just stop talking to me and sometimes she’ll tell me good night. We had a conversation and she just stop talking to me and Im just not sure if she truly likes me or maybe she just feels bad and doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. I just not sure what to think of know. Part of me just wants to tell her that I don’t like her and block her because its to much emotionally for me. But the other part of me wants her to be my GF.

  1. Try not to get too invested before you meet. You can only learn so much about a person via text messages. Also try and meet as soon as your schedules align as you’ve already invested a lot in this person. You may meet in person and realize there is no chemistry there. Or maybe there will be magic, but text message relationships can be a mirage.

  2. This Sunday our schedules line up. If she says no to a date. And makes a reason she can not go, real or not real. Should I just cut my losses?

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