For me, it would be working for a rare book store in some capacity (even on the tills). I’m fascinated by the ability some have to distinguish what are the seriously valuable stuff against that which is simply uncommon and old.

The thing that makes it so interesting, is you can only learn so much from academia, an awful lot of it depends on practical experience over a number of years.

  1. When I was at primary school when they asked what you want to be when you grew up, everyone gave the unlikely answers of fighter pilot, astronaut and the like, I said ice cream man. Still an achievable goal!

  2. My dream job was always pub landlord, and while possible it’s increasing unlikely these days.

    My sister has run her current pub for over ten years, but she will be getting out of the game at the end of their tenancy. And her husband has basically been forced to take another job.

    But this involves their ambition to retire by 50. I hope they make it but I can’t see it.

    For reference about 8 years

  3. Dressmaker. Always loved the idea of spending my days making gowns. I’ve looked at courses but they always clash with the kids school runs and after school clubs.

    I can do simple sewing but would love to do a proper course and learn to make professional dresses.

  4. I would love to host a supper club in my home. I love cooking and hosting dinner parties with friends and I think I’m pretty good at it. I just don’t have a space big enough at the moment, nor do I think I could actually make a proper living with it.

  5. Some kind of freelance translator during important meetings. Language would probably be Russian.

  6. Travel writer / photo essayist. Would love to just immerse myself in places around the world and share it with others…

  7. Property developer with enough capital to not have to worry about making a profit, to just create good homes, spotting creative development opportunities and so on, and not do things on the cheap.

    I’m a planning officer so I see things from the opposite side most of the time.

  8. Mermaid, not the children’s party kind but the more performative kind in aquarium’s and water shows.

    I can swim really well underwater and I have the legs together, hands in front/by the side technique down, but I don’t have the money for the tails, waterproof makeup, wigs, and the extensive training required. I also can’t hold my breath for very long anymore. Always loved mermaids, and I would just love to swim like that for a career

  9. Being a train driver in Norway, through the snow and fjords and tunnel. There’s a YouTube channel called RailCowGirl who sticks a GoPro on when she is driving freight in Norway and it’s gorgeous.

  10. I’m working on it – physiotherapist, finishing up my degree now. Specifically trauma rehab.

  11. Playing piano in a brothel.

    I’d get to wear a neat little bowler hat, play upbeat ragtime tunes, get tips, have a vibrant working environment with great colleagues.

    The downside is that if a brawl breaks out, I would have to remain at my post, increase the tempo of my tunes and continue playing whilst ducking beer bottles.

  12. I always wanted to be a pathologist, from being young. Definitely influenced by being a huge X-Files fan and wanting to be Scully. I remember writing to various places at around 7 years old on how to become one and asking for advice. I had this huge pathology book that i would study religously. I could technically still become one if i went through all the education again. But at 37 years old, it’s not really feasible as i wouldn’t be able to drop out of working and study for a new career from scratch. Will always be my dream job.

  13. I am lucky in that I actually now have my dream job.

    It’s the most multi-faceted thing I’ve done; and that’s what keeps it interesting.

    Pay is shite; but I don’t care.

  14. Criminal psychologist.

    I thought about being one on the right side of the law, but you need a degree.

    Did I say comedian?

  15. I’d like to be a landscape gardener. The only thing making it not possible is the initial outlay and probably not making enough money.

  16. I work in data analysis/visualisation.

    My dream job would be a data strategist for a formula 1 team or a high level football club.

    Likely? Absolutely not

    Impossible? Nah

  17. Activities co-ordinator at a Dementia focused care home. Absolutely achievable, but wouldn’t pay the bills.

  18. I have already got my dream job and can’t imagine myself doing something else. It comes with many advantages which are quite rewarding in our century such as: it’s possible to move anywhere in the world since there is a path for you to acquire a work visa, decent salary, opportunity to choose any industry, WFH and a desk job which requires critical thinking and problem solving (some people may not like it).

  19. My dream job is already within my grasp, if only I was brave enough to push for it and not constantly talk myself down

  20. 12 years ago I worked knocking doors for charity – I hated it but my parents practically forced me to do it.

    I said to myself that I wanted to develop apps as a 10 year plan. I managed to land an office job (after a few agency short roles) and automated my entire department.. I spent the free time programming and making other staff’s jobs easier.

    Go forward to now – I’ve developed a multitude of apps and websites and enjoyed ‘most’ of it.

    My point is to set realistic goals and work daily on your passion! One day you’ll be there and give yourself a pat on the back.

  21. Judiciary and courts system in some capacity.

    The process is very interesting to me, producing outcomes that have a real and tangible impact on society and peoples’ lives. I’ve always had a good sense of morality and right and wrong, or circumstances in which right may be wrong, and vice versa.

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