Work with someone who has wine every night after work. It’s rare I’ll drink alcohol unless I’m going on a night out. What about you?

(Thinking of making an exception tonight and having a few beers with a takeaway and film by myself)

  1. I drink damn near every night with my wife but if she’s not around I don’t drink by myself. I go play poker instead 😜

  2. I suffer from chronic pain, sitting here right now sipping a beer, to lower the pain level. Alcohol is not healthy, but it is better on my liver then opioids.

  3. I drink a beer after work. Alone or not.

    If I feel like having another drink when everyone is sleeping I do.

  4. I’ll usually have a couple while gaming or watching sports during the weekend. I’m a Bears fan so, it’s kind of a must lately lol. Not many of my other friends drink, mostly stoners.

  5. I drink every Friday and Saturday regardless if I’m in a social setting or alone. I usually end up drinking alone 2-3 times a month. I enjoy it.

  6. Maybe once or twice a summer, I’ll have a finger or two of whisky out on the deck on a nice night before bed.

  7. I just spread my hedonism around – sex, alcohol, weed, massage, wanking, traveling, drives, exercise, hobbies, nature, etc.

    So, sometimes lol

  8. I used to drink every night, alone or with others – I didn’t really care. Decided to sort myself out in 2023 and have only had one night where I have drunk alcohol.

  9. When I was deep in my addiction (I had no idea at the time that I was an addict), I would drink whenever I was home. Whiskey on the rocks with my dinner, kahlua with coffee and vodka with breakfast on days off. I’d try different beers with my roommates and girlfriend. But I’d always drink whether or not anyone was there. I realized I had a problem when over the years it escalated to 12+ cocktails every evening, multiple six packs over 10% abv and/or bottles of wine or a handle of vodka. It crept up seemingly over night but really I just hadn’t realized what was going on the whole time.

    Now I don’t drink because I know one drink is too much and a thousand is never enough

  10. I have about one beer a night. While that’s unhealthy in the extreme (the recommended weekly dose is 1-2 or none), it’s not really abnormal, either.

  11. All the time. Almost daily. Rarely ever get drunk but I guess it’s just habit. I’m slowly cutting back though

  12. All the time. My SO doesn’t drink and there’s no decent cocktail bars around me – and even if there were, getting home might be a problem.

    Cocktails are my hobby. I’ve got around fifty bottles of liquors and liqueurs, and that’s not counting all the bitter, mixers, and carbonations.

  13. Used to a lot. Would drink a bottle of liquor every day until my wife started to notice how much I was drinking and let me know she wasn’t comfortable raising a child with someone with a drinking problem. Cut out the hard liquor ever since and down to drinking a couple of beers a month.

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