My sister has been the black sheep of the family for as long as I’ve known her. She’s had drug problems, physically threatened me and others in her family, and is constantly in financial and domestic troubles. She blames most of her problems on others, including our parents who divorced when we were in high school. Despite all that, my dad has done everything he can to help her, time and time again, and has been burned and abused by her every step of the way for literal decades.

At this point, after moving to LA at 18 and having two kids with two different guys, she now lives in a house my dad bought for her, with a guy she claims abuses her and uses “Narcissistic Triangulation”, whatever the fuck that means, and constantly says we are “gaslighting and gatekeeping” her life. Truthfully, I believe she has severe mental issues and needs professional help, but I also know she will never get it. Instead, she spends her time texting and calling my dad every week, calling him terrible names and claiming he never helps her, all while begging for money and for favors he always gives, whenever he can.

It is killing him. Just today, after dealing with her usual bullshit, he got so drunk at a bar, he fell and bust his head open. I’m seriously afraid for his life, but I have no idea how I can stop this endless cycle of abuse between him and his daughter. She uses his two grandkids like shields and weapons, always threatening to take them out of his life, when she isn’t threatening to kill herself first. I could go on and on with endless stories about how she done countless despicable actions and how she compulsively lies about everything, or how she is the biggest fucking hypocritic I’ve ever known, but all I want is some good, solid advice and REAL actions I can take to help my family, because I’m sick of standing on the sidelines and watching my sister slowly kill my father through stress and emotional abuse.

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