At what age did your metabolism catch up with you?

  1. I’m only 23 so never yet, I was a fat kid up until my early – mid teens and then I started working out and tracking what I eat so hopefully I will never become obese / overweight again

  2. In my 30s, still hasn’t happened. I do have a fairly physical job, keep moving in my off time as well and watch what I eat so it may be a while.

  3. Pretty much at 41 – all of a sudden it’s way easier to gain and way harder to lose. In my 20’s and 30’s I could practically think myself thinner and have noticeable results in a week lol. Not anymore. Tales a lot more effort and discipline to regulate and maintain let alone lose.

  4. Shit man, my metabolism never caught up with me. I’ve been stuck with this dad bod since college.

  5. Around 37-38 is when i noticed weight gain in annoying areas that wouldn’t go away no matter how much i dieted or exercised. Even went into fasting and still didn’t drop a pound.

    Prior to this just cutting the fries out of my whataburger meal and i stayed lean. Now i need to constantly keep my blood sugar low to burn fat and keep it off.

  6. I was skinny through school, could eat what I wanted… then around 19-20 my metabolism pulled a lever and I started gaining weight.

  7. Yep, I was going to say about 35 years old, I noticed it slowing. Man, I loved to eat, too, lol. Can’t do that shit anymore!

  8. 25-26. And to make matters worse it coincided with right about when I got my first real office job. 🤦🏿‍♂️

  9. a wise friend once advised me…

    on your 30th birthday you will wake up and realize you weigh 10 lbs more than the day before. you’ll adjust to it and…

    on your 40th birthday you will wake up and realize you weigh 10 lbs more than the day before. you’ll adjust to it and…

    on your 50th birthday you will wake up and realize you weigh 10 lbs more than on the day before. you’ll adjust to it…


    on your 70th birthday you will wake up and realize you weigh 10 lbs less than on the day before. you’ll adjust to it…

    on your 80th birthday you will wake up and realize you weigh 10 lbs less than on the day before. you’ll adjust to it…

    on your 90th birthday you will hopefully wake up

  10. At 29 I’m still not sure it’s happened. I was a chunky kid and now that I make it a habit to get a lot more exercise in, I eat much worse than I ever did in youth and it doesn’t show nearly as bad.

  11. It never does. If anything it slows down a bit after 60 but everybody who put on weight just stopped moving and started eating too many calories.
    Stop blaming your metabolism. It isn’t slow. Blame your lifestyle, which includes you.

  12. I was 26. Up to that point, I could eat three plates for every meal and it made no difference. But seemingly over night, that changed. I felt full, bloated, sick even. I gained weight the wrong way. I adjusted with massively more exercise and a more balanced diet.

  13. Not sure what the question means. I’ve always had a huge appetite but I’m working out more in my 40s

  14. 30s. I used to crush fast food constantly, always drank pop and ate a ton of sweets. Still always weighed around 150. Then I turned 30 and I shot up to over 200. As someone who was always viewed as underweight, I can’t believe I’m actually dieting now.

  15. 49 and in the best shape of my life. Was around 20-60 libs overweight for a few decades. If you stay active and don’t consume more calories then you burn then you should be good.

  16. I’m turning 40 next month. It’s just starting to catch up with me, but just a little, I’m still thin.

  17. Around 34, but you can change that. It’s entirely possible to tweak your metabolism through changes in diet and activity.

  18. It hasn’t yet. I’ve just been eating more and engaging in more sweets. I’ve dropped 7 lbs in the last few weeks by just cutting back

  19. It doesn’t happen unless you make the wrong choices

    Our male bodies in particular are optimized to burn fat and build muscle if we just put the effort in

  20. Around 47 or 48. I adapted via diet, exercise, and some medicine but I must say tge changes in my mid/late 40s are pretty crazy

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