I met this guy off bumble like more than a month ago. We have been talking and hanging out i probably saw him around 4/5 times. He is very talkative and has a huge ego (he seems full of himself), just pointing that out there. I would consider myself a quiet person but not that quiet, i can talk A LOT with most of my friends but it does take me time to warm up and get to that point. I’m a little quiet around him but bc sometimes it bothers me how full of himself he is.
The first date he pointed this out and on our way back to my place (he drove me) he said something like “even though you don’t talk much i still enjoy your presence next to me”. The next date he said i’m pretty calm and nonchalant and that he is “chalant” and likes the balance. I feel like i have dealbreakers for him (the fact that he thinks i’m very “quiet” even tho ik i’m not but maybe for now) but wants to keep talking to me bc i’m pretty attractive. He did say the second date that he thinks i’m almost perfect and so much better in person and then a few times again would mention that i’m really pretty.
He does want a relationship bc it said it on his bio and he told me several times i’m the only one he talks to and we talk about future plans etc. I just feel like the only reason why he wants to be w me is bc he thinks i’m very pretty idk.
He’s really attractive and he’s 6’2 and ik he gets hella attention from girls. I consider myself pretty attractive as well and pull off above average guys so idk if he wants to be w me bc he thinks we compliment each other or bc he genuinely likes me.
I’m just asking if y’all think it’s a possibility or what’s your opinion lol.
We’re both 20 btw and are college students.

  1. You admit that you have not been very talkative, seems like you’re appearance is all he has to judge by

  2. Don’t overthink it.

    You are a quiet introvert.

    Men love silence instead of a big loud nag.

    Enjoy being young and good looking.

    You have 15 beauty years. Strategize these for optimal happiness.

  3. What matters is if you like him too.

    Looks play a big part in a guy being attracted. After all, in the beginning there’s not much more to go on. And looks play a big part in whether a guy stays attracted for the long term too.

    If you can pull hot guys, then if he’s not perfect for you throw him back and keep casting.

  4. If you’re not offering much in the way of conversation, he’s not going to pursue you if you’ve got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle is he.

  5. OP, here comes some brutal honesty….

    After he’s banged you, he will no longer find your quietness and nonchalantness attractive. In fact, he’ll be gone.
    The guy sounds insufferable. He’s totally dominating the convo with you, to the point where you are going into your shell. This is not a good sign. Tread carefully.

    Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear.

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