I’ve always struggled with talking to people. There’s this new girl at work that I have a crush on. I’ve had a few small talks with her here and there and gotten to know her a little bit. Some coworkers said I should of just asked her number and went for it but I took it slow and didn’t ask. Im not sure if she has a boyfriend, I was planning to ask her if she wanna watch a horror movie with me since we have that in common.

Either way I would never know if she has a bf or if she rejects me unless I ask. I think she’s been here for almost a month, but Idk if I should take it slow and think of what to say and try to get to know her more… or just go for it. I’m not the type that approach people tbh I dont like making them feel uncomfortable….

  1. So this is going to depend on the workplace and your age. If you’re in your 20s working fast food or retail, go for it, if this is a career and your just starting out, fuck no, walk away, find another girl.

    Assuming the first, get one or two other coworkers you trust to not cock clock you or compete with you. “Hey, me and some of the others were going to watch a movies, maybe play some cards after work, you want in?”

    Then from there it should just come naturally.

  2. I know you won’t like hearing this, but if this is at work, I would absolutely not ask her out.
    If you must, then next time you chat, simply suggest “Let’s go grab some coffee”. The horror movie thing is a bit much if you ask me. Especially for a first date and especially if you guys work together.

  3. if you’re in low level retail(cashier, stocking, etc) and you’re young i’d ask for her instagram or to hangout outside of work.

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