So I [16M] made friends with this new guy at school, we chatted a bit and showed videos to each other in recess.
We talked a bit about old friends in old schools and he told about a trans person which tried to make friends with him when he moved to a different city and different school but he wasn’t really interested with making friends with him.

I have long hair and I don’t go to the gym much so I am pretty “feminine” so I felt like he talked about me. I just said “okay” and walked away, I was really hurt about it.
I talked to him about that and said how im fine with not being friends with him but how he rejected me really hurt me, he then said he didn’t talk about me and it was in an older school.

Im just so upset about it and im not sure if to believe him or not. He seems like a nice guy like he isn’t a bully but I still feel he talked about me.

I want to give a bit of context about the school: its a special ed school, most people were transferred to here from other schools. I don’t think its the first school a person that moved to a new city would go to.

I don’t want to ruin our relationship over a dumb story which I may misinterpreted.

  1. He wasn’t interested in being friends for reasons having nothing to do with being trans or strictly because they are trans? This determines whether you’re better off without them or not.

  2. Just erase this situation from your memory. Try to forget this clause. Don’t take every word you say to heart. If he really doesn’t want to communicate with you, then after a while he will say so directly, but for now, try to continue to establish contact.

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