I made posts about this man before but now its gotten really weird, hes the same guy who is now having sex with the girl I like and always trys to rub in my face how he gets to “use” her and I dont, when I actually liked her for years. But whatever.

He is always VERY pushy for sex information about me, always asking me what porn I watch and everything. One day we were hanging out smoking and drinking and he started watching porn, and touching himself in front of me, which is weird.

He started telling me I needed to turn gay. That no woman will ever want me, which he says all the time. Then he said hed fuck me, and make me cum.

I literally told him im not gay, and he accused me of “Not being open-minded”, no girl will like me, I need to fuck him.

Is this not a bit weird? HE WAS EVEN REFUSING TO TAKE ME BACK TO MY CAR! Eventually, he took me back. But it was freaking creepy dude.

Like I highly doubt I can just flip a switch and quit being attracted to women.

This is the bad part, tbh, im trying to avoid him, but he knows where i live, ive muted him on facebook, but hes been calling me and texting me. I honestly dont want to block him and him retaliate in some way.

Im just a bit confused and sad about all this, and any advice would be appreciated.

  1. He is not your friend. Do not hang out with him again.

    I’d say get a restraining order against him, but that’s not easy to do. Worth a try though.

  2. he’s not a good friend. this is so uncomfortable even reading it. he does not respect your boundaries, he degrades you by saying no woman will want you, and he was touching himself in front of you..??? this is so creepy. block him, and if it gets to the point where he keeps showing up at your house or something, you can look into a restraining order. best of luck, i’m sorry he did this to you.

  3. This is 1000% not okay and blatant sexual harassment/ assault. He is not your friend. He is trying to lower your self worth to coerce you into fulfilling his own sexual fantasies involving you. Do not engage with this man. Do not interact with him. Protect yourself and document everything!

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