I am ccurrently doing a statistics project and i am seeing how answers vary by what part of the world you are in.

  1. Lol “statistics project”.

    Anyway I’ll humour the question. I sprinted last Saturday at park run, I like to sprint the last 50m or so!

  2. We do 2 week sprints in work, our latest one finished today so we’ll start another on Monday.

  3. This a terrible sample group, for the record, but I guess about 15 years ago unless you count rushing out of the house because I’m late for work.

  4. About a week ago when my 3 year old forgot how to brake on his scooter. Didn’t realise I could run that fast 😂😂

  5. Few weeks ago, walking my dog up our road and my wife drove past and shouted at us from the car. Doggo went ballistic trying to catch up so I indulged him.

  6. About 2 years ago when mother in law’s dog broke into a sheep field and I had to catch the little git before he got seen and shot by the farmer.

  7. Lunch time. 5 k run, finished where park run is held, and sprinted the 80metres or so to where the finishing funnel would be.

  8. this is a very, very bad way to do a statistics project; what school year are you in?

    (definitely Sunday when running, but possibly also more recently as I often have to sprint for a bus).

  9. 4 months ago. Sports day dad’s race, did my hamstring and limped over the line in last place! Never again

  10. I work in a complex needs care home, and emergency buzzers are used regularly, often for the wrong reasons, but we have to run to them every time. I sprint pretty short distances around 10 times a day

  11. Earlier walking puppy (trying to wear him out but he is also shit off lead so ran him on lead)

  12. A few days ago the cat was knocking something fragile off the counter and I ran to stop it falling.

  13. On Wednesday. For a train. With a suitcase. Made it to the platform and watched it leave.

    Probably happens about once a month.

  14. Think it was last summer during a sports day-esque 100m race, don’t think I’ve exceeded a light jog since

  15. Had a drunk race with my mates, roughly 50m sprint, I won but my hamstrings were sore for a week

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