Hello guys,

after reading through this subreddit I got inspired to seek out some advice myself since I’ve becoming more frustrated about my sex life lately.

Both my bf and I are 30 and we’ve been together fro 1,5 years. I’ve had a more or less (mostly less) successful sex life continuously since age 16, he had some girlfriends but before me he was single for about seven years.

Our sex life started out really great. He was horny and intenesely hot and heavy for me which really turned me on. It was fun and easy, he had a hard time making me cum but I was quite content for some time with how things were and often we used a vibrator after sex to make me cum too.

After about half a year he got very depressed for around 8 months. He was contemplating dropping his master’s studies and this weighed heavily on him. I supported him during this time and except for occasional complaints from my side I was content with us having little to no sex since I knew from my past experiences how stress can affect sex drive and how it is to feel like you \*have\* to have sex. Huge turnoff, so I was respectful and hopeful for the future.

Well, around 5-6 months ago, he took the leap dropped his degree, and started working full-time. But our sex life didn’t recover as I hoped it would. In the first weeks, he initiated sex when he was drunk, but there were fewer such occasions and I was also not happy that we only had sex when he drank, so we had a couple of talks. We talked several times about how I don’t feel desired. I don’t need much, I’m really happy with having sex about once a week depending on how stressful everything is, but it feels like for him it’s not even not a priority, but completely uninteresting. Especially compared to the beginning of our relationship it just dried out.

We were in a LDR for the first 8 months or so, I moved in with him in March. We have sex around every 1,5-2 weeks and it feels like I have to initiate it all the time or make arrangements with him (like a date when we’re gonna have sex).

It’s not like he’s not been compromising, but I don’t want to force him to have sex. It just feels like other things like gaming are always a priority, I even asked him about his past sex drive or if he masturbates. Here comes another thing: he’s \*very\* unwilling to talk about those things. He’s not open to any of my kinks which for me is not an absolute dealbreaker but really saddening. He won’t watch porn or hentai together with me to get it going, he doesn’t like dirty talk, and even though I’ve told him countless times that it’s too fast for me, the foreplay is just about 5-10 minutes starting with the first kiss and it’s often not enough time for me to get really turned on and to cum. He navigates way too fast for my taste towards my private parts and I just can’t seem to be able to get through to him to put my needs first during foreplay.

I’m asking for advice on how to approach this topic and get him more sex-positive. He has some sensitive issues as he thinks private parts are kinda disgusting (washed his hands three times after touching his own dick, won’t kiss me after BJ and anal is an absolute no-no) and it’s not only about sex, he’s a little OCD all around.

How do I approach the topic and “compromise” with him without feeling like I’m forcing him to do anything? I went as far as asking him if he maybe wanted to look it up a little online on how to be better at foreplay but I feel really bad about it and I don’t know how to communicate my needs in a productive manner. Is it fair to ask him for a “compromise” like either watching something sexy together or doing more dirty talk?

  1. Personal i usal go of sex with a partner if im thinking of leaving or im cheating and using my sex drive else were just my view as past cheater

  2. You can’t really do anything to make him get his drive back. It looks like what he was like at the beginning was just because it was new and exciting.

    Now you have to decide if a sexless relationship is good enough for you.

    Having been in one 20 years, I don’t recommend it

  3. It’s really, really hard to improve your sex life with someone who both doesn’t want to talk about it and doesn’t think that there is anything wrong with your sex life.


    If you want to improve you have to start there–has he said that he’s 100% happy or does he wish you two were having more sex? If he’s completely happy you might be out of luck.

  4. The drive is one thing, and obviously sth you would be willing to accept, which is good.
    However, him ignoring your needs during foreplay is a totally different story. He could change this if he wanted, and as you already pointed that out, I fear he does not really care..
    Before telling you to leave him, which is obviously everyone’s favourite advice, I would suggest trying to point that out again.

  5. perhaps the guy is dealing with some deep issues that he is not comfortable talking about, men can be sexually abused and raped too. if sex is the main component of your relationship do him a favor and move on. sometimes its tough to talk about things when one isn’t ready.

  6. Maybe you needs to take up more masterbation so you aint so frustrated some people just aint sex.people

  7. People don’t naturally think sex is bad/dirty (and by extension so is talking about it), nor do they naturally have fears about germs. Someone told him when he was a child (likely repeatedly) that these things are bad OR something happened to him that made him think these things are bad. He’s got a lot to unpack, and either some demons to work through or some beliefs to deconstruct. The issue is it’s up to him whether or not he does that.

    You can try seeing if he’d be willing to open up about why he feels uncomfortable talking about sex, or where the germaphobia stems from. Maybe he will open up and by getting to the route of these things you might be able to help with the deconstruction.

    I have to say though, not kissing after a blowjob is such a low-blow IMO. Every time I hear about a guy like this I fucking shudder. What kind of self-centered, narcissistic asshat thinks it’s fine for another person to spend 10+ minutes sucking on someone else’s privates, but then can’t stand kissing the mouth that did it because trace amounts of their own germs might be on that person’s lips? SMH

  8. No sex life no life together i mean your fires will burn and some one some day will spark that lite and probably be instant and biggest regret of your lofe if you have respect for yourself but you will cheat its our natural instint and to be honest what kinda guy rather play game than satisfie his loyal horny gal come on bro you letting down the side pixels over pussy come on

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