Recently I joined a student club at uni to get out of my comfort zone. We basically organize events for students to participate and socialize to enrich student life.

We have this app where we can discuss topics such as how do we want to go about promoting certain events and what have you. I had this idea and put it into the group chat. I was left on read by the whole group. It really bothered me.

I thought of letting it slide cuz I was like “maybe I’m tripping”. “Maybe it was just a one time thing”. Yesterday we had a meeting and someone else that wasn’t from the group came in with basically the same idea. And the team at least acknowledged it.

I was fed up walked to my vice president and president about the situation and how I felt unheard and unrecognized due to them just ignoring my ideas. They spoke up for me but everyone was just either looking down or away wanting to disengage. I spoke up for myself same thing happened. No apologies, no nothing. Just silence. The president and vice president had to apologize on behalf of everyone else. That’s when I knew that I don’t have my place in the group.

This isn’t the 1st time this happened. In high school I was a very socially awkward kid so I guess that explained why I was kinda ignored on my basketball team and by almost everyone else in the school for that matter.

In college same thing happened. I was definitely less awkward than I was b4 but I was pretty ass compared to everyone else.

I was thinking of asking the president what she thinks i might be doing wrong for everyone to just kinda not include me. But at this point I don’t even know if that’s gonna matter. If this continues I think I’ll just leave the group. I might still be a bit awkward or something cuz this is a pattern. There’s def something that I’m doing that’s somehow made me invisible to people and idk what it is.

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