So, I was at a party recently, and I overheard a conversation that a group was having about threesomes. We talked about various things, but I had a little argument there with few women who claimed they would never do a mfm threesome.

And I said that’s hard to believe because I don’t think there’s any women out there that would say no to a mfm threesome if safety, health, and pregnancy were not an issue. In my opinion, I think they did just said no because they were in front of people they knew.

So, I’m curious. Are there actually women out there who would turn down a mfm threesome if they were both pretty attractive, and safety, health, and pregnancy was not an issue? If so, why?

  1. Yah some girls just like one guy otherwise we could say the same thing about 3 dudes on a girl or infinity dicks

  2. It should never be assumed men and women think the same. Women do not think like men in any aspect.

    With that user name, it doesn’t surprise me you have this mindset. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  3. This is an incredibly stupid hill to die on. To assume *everyone* of a specific gender would do X thing (and then to try and argue with them about their opinion) is a new level, even in this sub.

  4. You seem to think every woman on the planet is the same. Lol!

    No, I wouldn’t. Causal sex gives me nothing. Sex on its own gives me nothing. I need the connection, the love, the future together. Or at least to be building to that. Or I get nothing.

    And I’m monogamous. So before you throw out some kind of ploy scenario, still, no.

  5. Of course there are. With all the people in the world, do you really think there isn’t a single woman that wouldn’t want to do it?

    I’ve had one, but I’d never have one in a relationship.

  6. Id imagine lesbians wouldn’t be interested.

    Also, you’re looking at this from your perspective. I understand that you would say yes if you were a female, but since you’re not a female, it’s hard to generalize your feelings about it to all women

  7. With a statement like that I’m getting virgin vibes, certainly not a man of the world anyway…

  8. Of course there are. You’re right that safety, social pressure etc can be barriers to those that would be otherwise be interested, but that are people who are only interested in emotionally connected 1on1 sex, or the idea just doesn’t appeal enough to be worth the effort, or aren’t interested in sex at all or a whole of other spectrum of wants/needs that wouldn’t be met in a threesome.

    Certainly if things like safety were rendered a moot concern I’m sure that a higher percentage of people would try one, but no activity is of interest to everyone.

  9. It’s not just a safety thing it’s also a feeling type thing. My ex and I did MFM threesomes and played with other couples a few times and I had to actually like the other guy somewhat to feel comfortable doing that

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