Hi guys. I’m 18 and am about to lose my virginity. Me and my partner have thought this well out as we’ve been together for around 2 years and talked about this for around 3 weeks. I feel ready and she feels ready, but I don’t know what to expect. Was going to just wing it but I thought I should ask Reddit for some advice.

  1. it’s probably going to be a big let down, but it will get better the more you do it – it might be great tho! keep talking that always makes it better…

  2. I highly recommend you get some lube, it can be very helpful for penetration the first time as she may be very tight.

  3. Was in the same situation a few months ago so Ill give you my girl perspective on what you can do.

    1) make sure you wont be interupted: once you stop its impossible to start again.the first time anyways

    2) finger her first and other foreplay but really it will make it hurt so much less for her if she is really wet trust me

    3)acknowledge which way your dick points up/down whatever and look up what positions will be the easiest for you- some may be too difficult the first time

    4)make sure you try on the condom size you are going to use first so you don’t realize it doesn’t fit when it’s too late

    5) make sure she feels really loved after– its really important to girls

    6) don’t expect to finish or for her to finish the first time. it’s okay if there is a learning curve

    7) hymen can take a few times having sex to fully tear so you may need to try and several occasions if she is really tight

    8) have small towels or something handy for cleanup and make sure the room isn’t too hot because you will both sweat

  4. Have an amazing dinner planned out if ya can. Maybe dessert. Snacks are usually a good idea.

  5. Take your time 😌 it doesn’t need to be a rushing thing and in fact it’s more hot if it goes slower, and it might be awkward to verbally ask, but it’s generally a good idea to ask for consent throughout the process: one yes does not automatically mean everything and anything is okay, women like to be asked if something is okay, it’s hot

  6. Clip your fingernails short. Don’t touch her clit with dry fingers. Wet them with saliva first. Both of you bathe before the activity. Practice birth control.

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