I left this job about 4 months ago, but while I was in this job for about a year and a half, one of my coworkers continually verbally harassed and belittled me, often in front of other coworkers. I never reported him or complained about him to my boss — only to some other coworkers who saw it happen repeatedly. Till this day, some of the things he said about me/to me get in my head from time to time. I feel like I should have said something to my boss just so I could get some closure, but I didn’t want to make waves at the time. I left on good terms with my boss and she said to keep in touch and all that.. So recently I’ve been thinking maybe it would help me get some closure and move on at this point if I could tell her about it now. I don’t know if that’d be a good idea or not, or if she would think that’s weird to tell her all these months later. What do you guys think?

  1. It happened in the past. You should have said something about it then, but now it comes off as vindictive or petty. If it’s really bothering you, talk to the coworker directly. Otherwise going to your old boss is just seeking some sort or revenge.

    People change. It isn’t likely they have changed in only 4 months, but you have to give people the benefit of the doubt that maybe they’re trying to be a better person now, and coming after them for something (relatively) small like that could really fuck up an otherwise good thing.

    You waited too long. Drop it and move on or confront them and still move on.

    Happy cake day.

  2. If it wasn’t important enough for you to say something when it happened then it’s honestly going to look like you’re just trying to be petty now.

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