I started uni recently and didn’t really have a fixed group of friends until I met two really nice girls today. We share the same interests and we go together for prayer breaks as we share the same religious beliefs. The issue is that there was a girl that came to me on the first day but I didn’t really vibe with her. She decided not to show up on a day of the first week and when I said I was going she kept asking why I was going. I told her I wanted to. The next day she messaged me asking what we did during induction and if it was important even though she told me she chose not to go because she doesn’t consider it to be important. She isn’t from here and is from a different country so i thought it could be cultural differences but I feel like it’s a lot to take I for me. I’m autistic and I already try really hard to understand people around me so I feel like it is extra difficult with this girl. She joined me and my group of new friends and she almost never talks even if I try to ask her questions and make her participate to conversations sometimes. My new friends have said that it was a bit awkward and that they felt quite bad about the situation because they feel like we don’t share much with her which I also feel. Unfortunately I feel really bad for her and I don’t know what to do because it can be a bit awkward at times as she is just around and doesn’t say anything. I feel like I’m mean for thinking that we don’t share much and that there isn’t much I can do but I really don’t know what to do here. Does anyone have some advice on how to proceed with this issue? I really like my two friends and I feel comfortable around them so I don’t really want to have to leave them just not to upset someone. But at the same time I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings as well.

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