For instance, if I phone a business and they start explaining the concept of something to me, I feel like I’m wasting my time and theirs if I don’t acknowledge that I’m aware of what they’re explaining then move further into the discussion.

There’s also these weird delays after they have explained or are almost done explaining something where the tone/confidence in their speech goes down, as if they’re waiting for a response for me, then I feel like the flow of conversation is wrecked or the pace goes awry in a way that’s hard to describe if I don’t acknowledge these responses quickly enough when I notice they get to this point.

This also seems to get worse if I use a blanket rule like “always wait the regular 0.5-1.0 seconds when somebody has finished speaking to respond”, because their explanations start trailing off and the downtime between their speech increases if they’re waiting for me to hop in once I get the gist of what they’re saying. They’ll also repeat concepts and try to explain things more specifically during this period as if they’re supposed to keep going until I *DO* interrupt.

Wtf am I doing wrong here?

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