While I am excited to spend time improving myself, my self reliability and time management skills, I’m extremely anxious about finding people to socialise with.

People I can grab a drink with, people I can ask for help and who will ask me for help without it being an exploitative relationship. People I can call a bro (male, female, neither, else).

I am guessing just doing the same activities can help. It is how I met half of my friends in HS and middle school.

But I was more so blessed by a chance encounter with my friends from HS, and middle school lasted for 8 years with minimal time taken out of our days.

I’ve a friend I know from HS in the same classes, but the rest of our friend circle is scattered across the country.

What have you done that has helped you make good friends?

  1. best way is to talk to a bunch of people in your classes and around your dorm if you live on campus

    if you see a good opportunity to meet someone on campus just go for it

    dont miss an opportunity to greet people you know

    whenever you eat, invite people to eat with you

  2. doing the things you enjoy will put you in the same spaces with people that have similar interests. try to be open and friendly. friendships aren’t built in a day.

  3. Just put yourself out there and talk to people. And then don’t think you’re not good enough to hang out with or something. Ask them to.

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