I(18F)’d consider myself a very sexual person… in theory. I’m interested and educated on several aspects of kink, I am very open with topics of sexuality, and I’d consider myself a bit of a flirt. The thing is, the concept of someone, especially someone I’m interested in enough to actually want to engage with, seeing me naked is horrifying.

I’m not conventionally attractive and it’s not in that “oh, she a little unique but people think she’s hot anyway” kind of way. more like a “I’m pretty confident in the belief that anyone seeing me topless much less actually fully naked will get so turned off they’d straight up leave.” I don’t want to throw a pitty part and list off all the shit I hate about myself because it’s a long damn list. I actually think i look cute/hot with clothes on. But i can’t even think about making out with someone without imaging their immediate disgust after feeling me up.

How would someone get around this? i want to put myself out there but i just c a n t while i feel like this. How am i supposed to believe anyone could find me desirable if i can’t stand to see myself in the mirror long enough to get in and out of the shower?

  1. Have you heard of body dysmorphic disorder by any chance? If this is getting in the way of you forming relationships and has done-so for some time, it might be worth looking around for some therapies and/or treatments for it. All the best to you and hope that your self confidence gets better over time.

  2. Honestly if its weight issue guys would still love to see u naked and smash… I think they’re called chubby chasers… but the real question is are u gonna be attracted to the type of guys with these standards?? But I would get over it… the more your naked around someone the more self conscious you would become… which might actually trigger a change…

  3. Just keep the lights off LOL.
    But seriously I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
    As a person agrees to have sex with you,they pretty much accept you.
    And you are accepting them.
    From there remember that.
    Don’t overthink anything and have fun.

  4. Hi, you are me about 30 years ago.
    Please find a good therapist who can work with you about body image.
    You are fine, I promise. Hugs.

  5. The good news/bad news is that horny guys have pretty low beauty requirements — and they’re probably not Magic Mikes either.

    Get to know the guy so you feel comfortable with him. Then go slow. First step, chaste kissing; Second, making out on a couch, touching each other’s bodies and maybe genitals. By this time, you will know that you each want more and no one will be terribly concerned about your figure.

    And remember — there are a lot of women who are less attractive than you who have good sex lives. Don’t let this hold you back any longer.

  6. Hey I’m 23F and I used to be overweight. You say you’re not conventionally attractive but it sounds like you’re mainly interested in conventionally attractive people, is that right?

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