Men who got stabbed how would you describe it ?

  1. Probably not the response you’re looking for but I got dry needling done on my chest to treat some cartilage inflammation and they went down to the muscle to get at it. Think about the feeling in your arm when you get certain shots where they have to hit muscle, multiply that by 50, and imagine the sensation on your chest.

  2. I got stabbed once with a pocket knife. Fairly small blade. It happened so fast all I remember feeling was a dull thump. I looked down after it happened and I could see blood. Not a lot. I got very lucky.

  3. My dads good buddy is a cop and he said it feels like a searing burning sensation. He also said he’d rather be shot than stabbed.

  4. Feels like a stabbing pain.

    More seriously I recall feeling surprisingly little pain, and I suspect where on your body you get stabbed will impact the experience because of the number of nerve endings and if veins and vital organs are affect. For me it was my wrist (more of a slash cut in an accident, but quite deep and I lost a good amount of blood) and moving that arm or even my fingers for weeks afterward was extremely painful. For context I couldn’t really find a good position to put it on a pillow and just sit there doing nothing. I wasn’t sure I would ever regain the use of my fingers (I did luckily).

  5. Got cut through the thin skin that connects the skin layer between your thumb and your index finger, it didn’t hurt as much as it made me freak out when I saw something like a bone in there, then the pain felt much greater than it actually was, lol.

  6. Not stab but slashed in my neck/upper chest. I honestly didn’t even noticed that it happened at the time. I was more pissed off that the person tore one of my favorite shirts(they had grabbed it with their other hand and I heard it tear).

    I didn’t know that I had been sliced until help showed up and I noticed that they looked really shocked when the saw me.

  7. This is actually really easy to find out for yourself. Just be sure to follow the scientific method and conduct multiple tests. Good luck and god speed

  8. Felt like a poke, A quick poke. I thought I got poked by the knife. didn’t feel anything due to adrenaline, 20mins later it hurt like a motherfucker. Severely hurt for over a week after.

    Stab wounds can open pretty easily. No I didn’t get stiches, I got that gross medical packing, had to take baths not showers. couldn’t lay down, had to sleep on a recliner.

    Over a decade later I can sometimes feel blood dripping down my chest going to my left foot. Psychological scar too.

  9. Adrenaline high in the middle of a fight at 21 plus opponent was bigger. Fight was in his favor until I landed a combo, causing his nose to bleed. I thought I was tyson afterward. The fight was probably in his favor, probably 55 45, but the crowd fueled me plus hatred for him. Then felt extreme pain on my right side. I noticed a large amount of blood dumb enough to think I had punched him in face until someone yelled he stickn the fuck out him… Thats when I ran 15 sec stumbled to ground yelled begged n cried for help . Ended up with 6 stab wounds 42 stitches hospitalized for 3 weeks. Never fought again in my life, not from fear but just realizing that in the mist of anger filled violence, anything goes until 1 finishes their opponent. Dude, that stabbed me was shot and killed at the young age of 29. I still she his mom fb profile she always quotes how she misses her angel. I always feel confused and confident that she didn’t know he had stabbed n shot another 8 people besides me old NYC days.

  10. Being a complete idiot, I once managed to accidentally stab myself in the leg with a paring knife. It got a good ways in there and needed a whole lotta stitches.

    At first you don’t even notice, then cold and hot at the same time, then mostly cold and numb.

  11. Best I can describe it is, the shook of losing all the strength and feeling before your brain catches up as the pain creeps in, like a spider slowly approaching to devour you.

  12. I didn’t get stabbed, but I did get my throat slit. Does that count?

    Anyway, guy grabbed me by the hair from behind, yanked my head back and cut my throat with a box cutter. All I really felt was him pulling my hair and then what felt like a punch to the throat. And not even a punch that landed flush, sort of a glancing blow. Didn’t feel any pain from the actual slashing, but it kind of sounded like someone was tearing wet, corrugated cardboard in my head.

  13. It was a “random-attack”… It just felt like a gut-punch but without any sense of being winded, like a very gentle punch from play-fighting… I turned around like “What the fuck dude?” and I think I felt a twinge like a torn muscle, which I think made me look at his hand as he walked away – Could be complete horseshit/false-memory after the incident, I don’t know… Wasn’t a big knife as far as I could see at the time, maybe 4-6″ long – Apparently it was a much larger kitchen knife.

    It was the friend I was with who saw blood first. It didn’t seem much at first, I just had the instinct to keep the blood inside, so I just grabbed a “fistful” of my skin and tried to keep it closed. The blood just made that harder to keep a grip on the wound.

    Fortunately an ambulance was nearby and I got to the hospital pretty quickly. The doctor said it had penetrated deeply into my abdomen, but i was lucky I only suffered damaged muscle and nothing vital… Well fuck “Vital”! I couldn’t used my stomach-muscles to sit myself up from a chair or out of bed for about 3 months. Which was the actual pain I felt and just got worse with frustration of how long it took to heal.

  14. Does my gall bladder surgery count?

    I woke up out of anesthesia and the surgeon is standing by my bed. He asks me, “How do you feel?”

    I says, “I feel pretty bad. It hurts a lot!”

    He says, “That’s because you were stabbed four times.” Referring to the number of incisions.

    He stepped over to the machine and clicked a couple more notches of pain killer.

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