i hope anyone can help me out with this one. i haven’t spoken with my best friend for 4 months now. context: we talk about almost everything almost every day. we met in college, kept in touch even after, worked at the same company, but now she moved to another place and another job and now she’s got a lot of things going on, and somehow i don’t feel like we can still relate to each other anymore. i thought we’re very much alike, only to realize we’re opposites. we used to work that out, but i’m at that point in life where i just can’t seem to relate to her anymore. don’t get me wrong, i’m happy she’s out there and enjoying her 20s, going for higher paying jobs and d@ting multiple people. she’s great. as for me though i’m quite content on where i am. i live with my mom harmoniously, i have a stable job with decent pay, i’m not fond of having active social life. in short, people might say that my life is more boring compared to hers. but i prefer comfort and stability over risks and the highs. i used to be like her fan, you know “go get that girl you know i’m always here for you” or “sure, let’s watch that band you listen to.” our dynamic has always been like that: she’s the star, i’m the fan. i guess i grew tired of it? i just want to keep to myself and stay on my own lane, grow at my own pace. i’m always her cheerleader but now i want to be my own. i also don’t think she can relate to where i am at now, but maybe she still kind of want to work things out with me, that’s why we’ll be hanging out again 2 weeks from now.

but here’s the thing: of course we have a lot of catching up to do, and i’ll be there to listen to everything that i missed out on her life. all the “oooh”s and the “ah”s the “that’s great!” or “tell me more” until it’ll be my turn to talk. how do i do that? how do i not get tired of just listening to her stories that i can’t relate to any longer, and how do i avoid saying about my life: “you know, same old same old.” because yes, it might be boring for her or others, but i don’t want them to perceive that as inferior to theirs just because we’re not the same. i’m thinking do i just come up with some story that seems exciting just to get it over with? or do i just do the “you know, not much. same old same old,” stop trying, and just let her reaction disappoint me until we finally call it a day. because idk man 20s can be such pain in the ass.

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