I’m not getting anywhere with women. At least on tinder. I had a funny bio that was landing me a lot of matches. I switched it up after a few months and added another picture with my new car. I’ve blatantly insulted a women who didn’t respond to me today. I’m so sick and tired of chicks not wanting to meet up or even give talking with me in person a chance. I work out, I have an interesting career, all my peers love me. I don’t get it. I keep getting to this point where I want to like cry because it’s been so long since I’ve been in an intimate relationship. I’m 29m. I’m handsome. I’m funny. I can be witty. How do guys pick up chicks on tinder with just a few messages, I must really have a shitty personality or something. I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

  1. That sucks. Try IRL instead. Instant feedback and much better chance of results. Tinder is pretty stacked against most men succeeding.

  2. “I’ve blatantly insulted a women who didn’t respond to me today” maybe u know why now ?

    I don’t really know u but it’s giving “nice guy” vibes, maybe u need to talk a little more abt how u start conversation or something, but for me seems like maybe u put too much pressure on the women u talk to?

  3. >I’m not getting anywhere with women. At least on tinder.

    consider this statement not doing well on tinder

    consider there are other dating apps that seem to be populated by people that would NEVER have a profile on Tinder due to the stigma associated with it.

    try other apps

  4. I know it’s frustrating, but it’s important to remember that the world is a dangerous place, especially for women and especially while meeting people online. I wouldn’t take it so personally, I would bet (though I obviously don’t know you) that the women who don’t want to meet up with you have reasons that have nothing to do with you and probably have concerns and anxiety around meeting anyone off the internet.

    Aside from that, youre coming across really entitled with the “I’m handsome, I work out, everyone loves me” etc etc mindset. The world doesn’t owe you shit and women don’t owe you anything either, you state that you insulted a random woman for not responding to you…if this is your attitude then you’re going to be single the rest of your life. So yeah it probably is your awful personality, entitlement and clear lack of self awareness.

    Maybe instead of looking at it like “I’m not getting anywhere with women” try and take some accountability and think “is there anything I could be doing that is hurting my chances of finding a successful relationship?”

  5. Hey man I’ve been there before. Since you’re getting matches try pushing for a date in a few messages. Sure you’ll scare some off but you’ll get some dates too. Time kills all deals. Exchange a few messages ask for the date. If you’re looking for sex, invite them back after the date and make a move. IME 20 matches might get me 5-6 numbers. 5-6 numbers will get me 1-3 dates. 1-3 dates might get laid.

  6. Try phone calls and video chats with your matches. Chatting via text is boring and difficult to build connection from.

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