Today I had an incredible day. I made a connection with this amazing person who I have been wanting to be friends with for a week or itwo now. We had such good conversation and ended on a high note of seeing each other next week. Hell they even invited me to join their friend group so it was all good. The entire day went by peacefully until I began overthinking a thing I said to them and it was super personal. I don’t know why I told them that but it’s might be a bit problematic since it’s a sensitive subject. Idk why I even brought this up and idk what to do about this. I feel like such a bad person for bringing this up cause idk they might be view me in a light that I am definitely not. It’s like whenever I try to break free of the shackles/fear I have and try to approach new opportunities, this happens. I am so scared of them disliking me cause of this stupid thing I said. I wish I never approached them and remained a loner. This would have never happened then.

  1. I don’t feel it ! It is up to the other person to bring what person he/ she likes to meet !

  2. But without overthinking, it’s all good, right?

    Who knows, maybe the thing you’re overthinking is what made them feel more connected?

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