So I’ve been dating a guy for about 3 months. A month ago we decided to be exclusive as neither of us saw any interest in dating other people. Last week he told me he kissed someone else at a party and I’m not sure what to do now. I feel hurt by it, but he told me right away and said he felt really guilty.

Should I keep seeing him or is this counted as “cheating”? I really do like this guy but not sure if I’ll be able to trust that it won’t happen again I we get more serious.

Anyone that has been in a similar situation, what did you do?

  1. It is pretty much cheating, since kissing is an act of affection, and if your exclusive then he has showed affection to someone else 😅 so yeah be hurt your in full right to be, he knows he fucked up thats why he told you as well

  2. The problem with these situations is there’s no good way to respond. If you give him a pass you can bet next time he’ll do more than kiss them. If you get mad it becomes a big deal to dwell on and kills any positive vibe. Doomed either way.

    The only solution is to leave it and find someone who doesn’t pull this kind of shit.

  3. May not be cheating but it is being unfaithful to the relationship. I know it can be confusing when you are dating and have multiple people you are talking to then decide to go exclusive. You don’t want to hurt people’s feeling and not everyone is the bet at communication. The two questions that would be top of my mind is, will this be a pattern? And do you personally feel strongly enough about him at this early stage that you want to fight for the relationship instead of letting go and moving on with someone who didn’t start things off on the wrong foot? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, it’s something only you can decide.

  4. I guess this depends on many variables. Was this a thing where he was trashed and it was a quick kiss and he kind of came to and was like WTF am I doing? Or was this a full blown make out session? He came right to you with the information so if it’s more of scenario 1 I would probably forgive him. If it’s more like 2, it’s really up to you. He did come right to you about it which shows actual remorse instead of being “sorry” because he got caught. If you decide to forgive him then there needs to be a talk about expectations about not going to parties without you and if alcohol was involved probably no more drinking where things like this can happen. Good luck.

  5. “Dating exclusive but” he kissed another person. Totally different title.

    He told you right away. He messed up with whatever happened. Are you perfect in your life?

    You need to choose to either forgive him or don’t. You also nee dto move on in either case. There’s no other answer.

  6. If he can’t manage to keep his lips to himself and you after only a month, imagine what other body parts he can’t keep to himself after 6 months.

    Now, I don’t know you or him, but unless the lady that kissed him threw himself onto him, this sounds like a serious lack of self-control

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