20F in college

I have friends yes, but I always feel like they’re out to get me / looking to undermine me / compete with me / don’t trust me / look down on me / don’t respect me. It’s exhausting and it stops me being generous, patient, understanding, kind and caring which is what I want to be

How do I stop?

  1. Seriously ask yourself if you are competing with people in your group of friends without realizing it. Have gratitude and don’t compete over anything.

  2. See people around you as subhumans ( like animals who still haven’t evolved enough ), makes it very easy to deal … would you get angry if your dog does this ? No right … be kind ! Pet them … feed them … just be kind !

    Literally take a higher stance … establish the fact that you are not in their league, even to consider them as competition !

    Now … you might be thinking … what have i accomplished .. to actually feel so ! Then continue to introspect … ! Find things that matter to you … ! Invest your time in them ! And continue to seek pleasure in doing them !

    I personally enjoy roasting self righteous people !

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