So a friend of mine (45f) cancelled a coffee meet up last Sunday with me (35f). She said she wasn’t feeling well and needed to spend some time at home. I couldn’t help but feel like this unwell feeling was perhaps overwhelm/anxiety/tiredness and needing alone time. However…we aren’t super super close. We are friends though and catch up every couple of months. We don’t text each other unless it’s to arrange coffee.

You’re opinion please – it’s been a week and I don’t know if it’s too much/clingy/over the top to send a message saying that I hope she’s feeling better and more rested?

I don’t want to make it a big deal that she cancelled because she wasn’t feeling well/up it. The cancellation did make me anxious and I had to talk myself out of taking it personally and that our friendship is not what I thought it was. I have a history of anxious attachment. I am worried that I’m bringing attention to something that was just an excuse to not catch up (maybe she got a better offer?) by sending her a text saying I hope she’s feeling better and got the rest she needed.

Tldr: would you send a friend/acquaintance a hope you’re feeling better text a week after they cancelled on a coffee catch up because they weren’t feeling well and needed alone time? Or just leave it?

1 comment
  1. It’s been a week and that’s nice of you to say, I don’t think there’s any issue with it. You could just leave it at “hey I hope you’re feeling better” without the rested part, and you could ask a question if you want – “how did that presentation go?” And then based on the reply you could try to set up plans again “coffee some time in October?”

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