Unfortunately, since I was little I have always been afraid of making mistakes and making some gaffe and being ashamed.

But with myself I managed to remove it but when I’m with other people it still happens to me, especially if I have a beautiful girl in front of me or I have an important person like my boss in front of me (I start to chew the words).

_I don’t know if it’s the correct sub but I tried_

  1. Everyone is afraid of making mistakes and feeling shame. Being around people that we find attractive naturally makes us nervous, it’s so common that it’s a movie cliche. Performance anxiety (like when your boss is watching you) is also extremely common. The only thing that can help is to do the thing that makes you nervous more often. Practice helps a lot.

    If this is affecting your everyday life, though, you may have an anxiety disorder. If you avoid doing things at work because your boss might watch you do it, or you schedule your time so that no one will watch you do certain tasks to avoid potential embarrassment, you may want to look into seeing a professional to see if they can help.

    Social anxiety disorder specifically can make you feel like you are constantly being stared at, judged harshly, laughed at, and mocked. It can cause you to have panic attacks in anticipation of performing an activity in front of people (giving a presentation, being called on in class, etc.) and also avoid any situations that may involve such activities. Therapy and medication can help a GREAT deal. Seriously. They’re life changing if this issue has been causing you to live your life around your anxiety.

  2. take deep breaths, slow down, and move deliberately. i used to be in the same boat, and i figured out that purposefully doing things slower and more methodically helped reduce my anxiety and boosted my confidence socially. sort of a “slow is steady, steady is fast” type of mindset. that being said, there is a time and place to move quickly. save your anxiety for that, not on the day to day mundane.

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