Please share your opinions because I’m not sure if what I did sent the right message.

My brother (47M) yesterday ran into me (27M) in the hallway of my family’s house as I was walking to my room and out of the blue tried to blow off steam by bullying me 1 on 1 and literally provoking and picking a fight with me. I just lightly laughed as I entered my room cuz I was confused of his hostility and just wanted to make the situation less awkward without engaging in anything at all. He said “glad you laughed” in a sarcastic way.

No recent bad interactions between us at all. I had an okay relationship with him for the past few months (I was living abroad for years prior) despite how seriously abusive he was to me when I was a kid and he was in his 20s.

I did some reflecting and decided to cut his unpredictable, unstable, and abusive butt off from my life.

Today, at a family event, he tried talking to me in a group setting, I completely ignored him as if no one said anything. It passes. A minute later he tries to engage me about something else again, I ignore him, not even look his way, he tries again and I continue ignoring him. This time, everyone was silent and everyone noticed it.

I was disgusted by him so didn’t want to talk to him. Also the message I was trying to send is “I have lost all respect for you and do not wish to associate with you, you are disgusting” I’m sure he got the message but what do you think is the message that everyone else got?

Also how could I have responded better?

  1. I was on the receiving end once. I was the one being ignored and everyone noticed. I was so embarrassed and felt so little

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