I don’t necessarily think it’s healthy as it’s consumed my mind a bit.

But I have big dreams, dreams enough where I moved away from my hometown to pursue them and I’m not exactly on social media posting about my progress (I don’t use it) and I feel because of this people think I’m just a hermit not doing anything from what they’ve said. Which is insane as I’m up at 6 training (as an athlete) and then getting my work done consistently progressing, seeing enough money to live off so far, it’s a long term game but I see the small wins stacking up.

Anyway, when people from my hometown say some negative shiz it gets to my head and makes me feel bad, then I start to think “F that I need to prove that person wrong”. None of these people live a life I want nor are aspiring to do something great which is fine IDC but when they judge me it leaves me thinking that.

This also includes family of abusive addicts who are so toxic I left when I was young and they’ve never been kind to me. I feel like I got this chip on my shoulder.

Bit of a silly question but I’m just seeing if there’s others out there that can relate.

  1. Some people are fueled by spite, and while you could use it to further your goals, it will tear at your psyche, leaving you fragile.


    I remember reading a line that stuck with me that I think you might appreciate:


    “The best revenge is a life well-lived.”

  2. Why does it matter what anyone else thinks? No one else is living your life.

    You do you. You put in your work. If they want to say shit about you, it’s because they are jealous, or they see you doing something that they aren’t willing to do for themselves. They are only there to tear you down.

    You left when you were young to break the cycle. To remove yourself from the toxicity. So don’t engage in it. Focus on yourself and the work you’re putting in.

    There are always going to be doubters. There are always going to be haters. Don’t give them the power over you by subscribing to it.

    There are plenty of times I’ve been doubted, questioned, or misunderstood. And what I’ve come to realize is that their opinions, their questions, and their understanding does not matter. It doesn’t matter to my goals and my dreams and my pursuits. Because they are not living my life, and they are not coming to save me.

  3. So I also left my hometown. Many reasons why I did, and they still are valid today.

    I spent probably 12 years after college comparing my life in my hometown to what I got from moving away. In the end, it doesn’t help, it just clogs your brain and takes up energy that you can use on your goals.

    Oh, btw…no one in your old hometown can ever understand why you don’t want to be there. Avoid that trap, I got caught in it multiple times.

  4. “Living well is the best revenge.” ― George Herbert

    Didn’t ever fit in my very rural town. Got out, made something of myself. Hardly anyone back home knows anything about me, and I never visit. The chip on your shoulder can be positive if you use it as motivation. Not in a vindictive way, but to push you to be better.

    I can tell you, NEVER post about your success. Your accomplishments stand on their own, and you don’t need the affirmation of people that don’t really think you’re that great. Let ’em go.

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