I’m (f22) on my way to a 3rd date in an hour. I’m on the last day of my period so pretty light flow, but still at what point do I let him know? We’ve had sex already so he might expect that happens again…I just don’t know when I should disclose this?


  1. I’d let it come up naturally, or make it obvious with “just a heads up, I’m at the end of my period” during foreplay/making out. Any guy who immediately stops is no one I want to be with anyways!

  2. Tell him if you feel it leading to the bedroom. It shouldn’t bother him. It wouldn’t bother me.

  3. I let it be known when foreplay is beginning. Some men genuinely don’t care (if you don’t). If either party cares, luckily there’s always other types of sex to be had that are just as much fun! Have fun on your date! 🫶

  4. Ask him “Have any dark brown towels at your place”. If he answers yes, then he’s good with it.

  5. Let him know if you can sense that it’s going to get to sex. Somewhere between making out and definitely before he reaches anywhere near your genitals.

  6. A lot of people are assuming you want to have sex with him while on your period.

    If you don’t, that’s ok also. You can kiss and play over the clothes. If he starts to put his hand down your pants, tell him that you can’t because you are on your period…then tell him you have an even better idea and give him a blowjob or something like that. “It doesn’t mean we still can’t have fun.”

    I know I didn’t have period sex with anyone I was just casually hooking up with.

    Either way – have fun!

  7. I’d be all over you in a moment. I get so hot n hard when I know the woman is on her period.

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