Didn’t know if this deserves another post or just add on. I’m kind of spiraling. I want to message her and see what she has to say but who knows if she’ll even be truthful? I mean what kind of women invites a married man to their house?! Idk my husband and I are barely talking now because I don’t want to interact with him and he’s just wanting to avoid the subject all together. Kinda lost in my own head right now.

Not so much an update as it is a thought: my husband has been having stomach issues and is on meds. He started keeping a food journal to say what he ate and what time he took his meds to relay to his doc. I find it odd the day he went meet her he didn’t write what he ate just that he took his meds.

I’m pretty sure yesterday my husband cheated on me

. There are means of which I can’t disclose, I found out yesterday he went to an ex’s house. I always thought it was odd how they haven’t dated for years even before i met him. Yet sometimes she would randomly pop up on his Facebook messanger to talk. She’s on her second marriage with 3 kids yet maybe like twice a year she would talk to him. I told him as much hiw odd it is. like why out of all her friends or even other exes why does she talk to him? Then I find out yesterday he was at her house!

I was trying to get him to admit to me by asking what he did yesterday which of course he said nothing. Then I pretty much had to spell it out for him then he said I know what you’re thinking and I didn’t sleep with her. We just talked. I’m like you expect me to believe that? For one you didn’t tell me about meeting her at all and you kept lying about his whereabouts until I pried it out of him.

  1. That’s strange.Maybe nothing happened,but he still knew what he was doing was shadey or he would have came right out and told you.He knew it was something that would upset you,so why do it?
    Be careful,even if nothing happened,its a slippery slope I think…

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