This is annoying, me super much.. So one of my friends that I knew for a very long time since we were little, unfriended me on “Snapchat” which surprised me because everything was fine we were talking and stuff everything was good for a 1 month total.
Note: that month, I finally got in touch with my friend from elementary school, and they grew up into high school and I was the class clown there. Anyway I contacted them and talked to them saying it me of there best friends.

Now we’ve been talking for a while and I’ve seen here a little bit but she never seen me but she seen posts of me on “Instagram” I missed them back then and then this day here’s where it gets strange after I went live on Instagram she went on it with a few other people and then I had to discard the live then few minutes after, I look at Snapchat then she deleted me / unfriended me for no reason, well maybe she had a reason but just why?? I knew her too for long time. And I still have her on Instagram as a friend but not Snapchat? I’m so confused can any of y’all help.

1 comment
  1. Because they never actually respected you, and you failed to see the signs. You just simply anointed them as your “best friend” because they told you that. Always watch people’s actions. Don’t blindly listen to their words. Nobody is going to tell you the truth as to how they view you, since that would hurt your feelings. But you can tell whether they respect you or don’t via their actions.

    Real talk, this person has shown they have moved on from you, while you have not. Doesn’t that embarass you at all ? Don’t you have any other things to do in life or any other people you can talk to ? Move on. Going forward, you need to start acting respectable. Get your act together.

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