What would you tell your significant other if she found out you were selling illegal things online?

  1. I would tell her the truth. Bullshitting won’t help.

    Honestly, I would have had the conversation before I began.

  2. Well, where did you think those holidays came from? Did you ever see me working?

  3. Be as honest as you can without going into financial/ misc details on what it is you sell and how much you make

  4. Really depends. Drugs? The truth and argue for the ethics of it. Weapons? The truth, and ask for redemption because it’s unethical. Maybe find a justification. Illegal explicit material? I’d get a good divorce lawyer.

  5. You know how you despise selling nudes but keep doing it because you think that’s the only option you have to survive? Unless the state finally decides to acknowledge Autism as a disability, this is all the income we’ve got. And put that mushroom down. It’s already been sold.

  6. As a woman I’ll say it depends entirely on what you’re selling. Like illegal tropical plants or something? Ok fine not a big deal. Human organs on the dark net, we’ve got a problem.

  7. “hey in all fairness I only did this because I didn’t think you’d find out”


    I wouldn’t be in that situation.

  8. I would tell her before i was doing so she wasnt blind sided by it if something went sideways

  9. I would ask if it were possible to sell these legitimately – aka whether she’s selling them illegally because she doesn’t have another choice if she wants to sell them or because she considered “legally or illegally” and consciously chose to do it outside the letter of the law.

    Why she chose illigitamcy.

    And what protections she has in place.


    If you’re going to do something illegal, don’t get caught.

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