just a bit of a dump/vent but a my bf and i had sex friday night , and it led to the condom completely tearing. i’m on no form of birth control, i was prescribed the pill to help with my period cycles but didn’t pick it up because i’m scared of side effects. im 19 and my parents would not be supportive if i turned out to be pregnant, so naturally i was anxious which turned me off completely once i found out it broke. i didn’t even think to check if there were any pieces of the condom that were stuck inside me, but apparently there was. i didn’t feel uncomfortable or pain whatsoever, so i had no idea. i ending up taking plan b saturday afternoon to be safe, but i’m unsure of when i ovulate since my cycle tends to be all over the place. he didn’t finish but i am a bit nervous about precum, and now that a piece of the condom came out of me i’m more anxious than ever! what are the odds i could wind up pregnant from all of this?

  1. When I lost my virginity it was not under ideal circumstances and this happened to me. All I can say is I was very lucky I didn’t get pregnant or an STD, and I hope the same luck blesses you.

  2. Your chances aren’t 0 but I would be extremely shocked if you got pregnant from this, especially with the plan b.

    The condom tearing is an issue yall gotta figure out though so it doesn’t happen again. Was it old or been stored poorly? Or too small?

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