This might be a little confusing, but here’s my situation. Girlfriend broke up with me because she said she didn’t feel a spark anymore and love me. I felt to me that love is a choice and doesn’t just go away randomly. And with us being distant over summer it’s obviously gonna be harder vs seeing me every day during a school year.
Anyways we were on good terms until she completely switched on me and blocked me. She said she thought we needed full disconnection and she was completely right, but the way she want about doing it I completely disagreed with and I felt it was really rude towards me, anyways. Fast forward a month and we’re both in school, in same classes seeing each other. She adds me back one day and she begins snapping me and asking me for things like class work and she started asking how I was doing whatever. We even started talking over a shared notes chat we used to have when we dated. She randomly sends me TikTok’s about me smelling nice. All these small little things have me going crazy because I have not a damn clue what she wants. One thing is that it is completely awkward in person and neither of us have talked to each other in person yet other then a hello. I recently saw her repost something along the lines of wanting to talk, spend time together, hu with her situationship, but is scared to ask. The second I liked this, she takes it down? All these small things have to mean something right? I love her, but I’m really just trying to let her do everything, but I really think I should just ask her to go for some lunch and catch up.

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