It’s weird how this is what bothers my girlfriend, but here we go.

My girlfriend has a fetish with cum, and when we talked about me getting a vasectomy, she was okay with me getting it, we both don’t want kids, but her only worry was that if I did it, would it come out watery, or less thick?
And I don’t know what to answer because I fr don’t know what happens.

It’s not important enough to turn her against my decision, but I also wanted to know: Peoplo who have had a vasectomy, does something about your sperm changes?

  1. I did not notice any change and neither did my wife. Haven’t used a condom since! We love it so much!

  2. The testes account for about 2% of the total volume. You don’t notice a difference. That’s not to say that the semen being “disarmed” won’t have an effect on how sexy she finds it (depends on how her particular kink works) but as far as the physical characteristics, you’re good.

  3. “Does something about your sperm change?” Well, yes. There aren’t any more sperm. Does something about your semen change? Yes, there’s no more sperm in it. So no risk of unwanted pregnancy. Is there a change you’d notice? No. Sperm is a small amount of the volume of semen, which varies wildly from ejaculation to ejaculation, so would not be noticeable.

  4. Your ejaculated is mostly prostate fluid as it was explained to me whe I had mine done if you are done with kids or sure you don’t want any 100% recommend a vasectomy quick recovery minimal pain all the fun

  5. I have a vasectomy. It does not change, it looks and feels the same.

    Sperm is a tiny fraction of what makes up semen.

  6. Sperm is a miniscule proportion of semen. You won’t notice a difference, as the vast majority of the fluid is actually not sperm, but stuff to keep it safe.

  7. I feel more comfortable now cum hard and cum more! Edging helps cum more if that matters. Or she can get you have 3 times more if it bothers her. I see no downsides.

  8. Well it is swimmer free so technically lighter. But in practical terms no noticeable difference

  9. The volumne of the swimmers is literally microscopic. You can’t tell the difference with the naked eye. Any perceived difference might be imagined. Else maybe someone has extra-sensory perception.

  10. I can tell you from a girl’s perspective having the burden of pregnancy worry lifted is so liberating! It makes you want to be wIth a guy who has had a vasectomy. And I have never noticed a difference in a man’s cum who has had one.

  11. Got it 2 months ago. Still the same size, color consistency and distance. No complaints

  12. No change but my drive has increased significantly knowing I can’t get my wife pregnant.

  13. I had the snip at around 25y old. I noticed a big difference, the thickness of it was more fluid, less thicker cum. This did feel different when cumming. It passed easier and didn’t feel as good. I had it reversed a few years ago and it is back to what it was. At times cumming so hard it causes a stinging, due to the force of it passing through. My pipes were fused at the time, not sure if there are different ways of doing the operation. Ultimately it is to lower the sperm count, so the thickness will not be the same.

  14. She likes more you say? You should look into prostate play. It can be a game changer

  15. My doc had a penny jar on his desk. 100 pennies. Hold out both hands- hold the pennies. He’d take out 4 or 5. Can you feel any difference? Well, no, not at all. He said the difference was much less than that… Most women I’ve been with post vasectomy still say I ejaculate too much…lol
    It’s something a lot of men worry about and it’s absolutely not an issue….

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