I don’t see a downside if you’re done having kids but it seems like percentage of men get this done. Am I overlooking something?

  1. I had a vasectomy years ago with no regrets. It definitely put my wife at ease because we’ve never liked wearing condoms and hormonal birth control didn’t work very well for her.

  2. Vasectomy has a very high success rate. As in, it ensures that the couple who rely on it don’t have any more pregnancies.

    Unfortunately it has a fraction less of a success rate in terms of only doing what it’s supposed to. A tiiiiiiiny fraction of men have unwanted side effects from the procedure that makes it soooo not worth it.

    And I think THAT is why some hesitate. The procedure – as with all types of surgeries – is not 100% risk free.

    That said, it was one of *my* best decisions ever.

  3. Yeah, it’s a great option if you don’t wanna have kids and you’re certain of that.

    The downside is that it’s not as reversible as most other methods. Hormonal or copper options for women, condoms… you just stop using them or have them removed, and suddenly kids are an option again. With a vasectomy, you’ve got about a 30% chance that it’s irreversible.

    Also, the idea of having someone cut into your ballsack skeeves out a lotta guys.

  4. Best option when you’re done having kids. For women, sterilisation is a much larger and riskier procedure, so if you’re in a committed relationship, that’s the way to go. My husband was happy to take one for the team

  5. Absolutely. Permanent birth control with minimal pain / issues and no change to anyone’s hormones…. One off cost for lifetime reward.

  6. It does have a very slim chance of it reversing itself. My ex girlfriends sister was concieved years after her dad had a vasectomy. They can spontaneously (well, more gradually I think ) reverse themselves. Very rare, but sometimes happens

    It was a stressful pregnancy from what I hear, because the dad was worried the mom cheated on him

  7. Has been for me. Had completely unprotected sex, no condom no birth control, with 2 different women for 11+ out of the last almost 13 years with 0 incidents or legitimate scares

  8. You’re not overlooking anything. I think society has always put the onus of birth control on women and men have become comfortable with that. A vasectomy is a great option. There are little to no side effects, it’s not a hugely invasive procedure, and in most cases its also actually reversible (although the person should just make sure that they definitely don’t want [anymore] kids).

    I think lots of men are uneducated about the procedure or have masculinity hang ups about it.

  9. I had my vasectomy procedure done a couple of years ago. Was the right time and the right decision for me. Insurance covered almost half the cost. The cost would of been a thousand dollars out of pocket,if insurance didn’t cover anything at all. Still cheaper than 18 years of child support,was my thinking at the time.
    Procedure was quick with a little discomfort,sort of like a groin pull,as far as pain. Had it done on a Friday morning and was riding my motorcycle two days later. The most important thing was making sure that you followed the doctors instructions. No unprotected sex until the lab results show no sperm in the seamen. It took almost 3 months for this to happen. I was tested twice in this time,and the second lab test ( after about 60 days after procedure) showed no trace of sperm in my second lab specimen.
    I didn’t experience any side effects or any adverse health effects from the procedure and felt fine afterwards. Sex is much better now knowing that I can’t get my partner pregnant. And the women enjoy it much more too, knowing this! That stress factor has now been eliminated and makes sexual activity much more enjoyable!

  10. It’s 100% because men are weirded out about someone touching and operating on their balls. They feel like they will be less of a man, etc etc. Women from the time we are teenagers have medical staff examining, poking, testing, touching our genitals. We just accept it as something we just have to do and get over it. Men don’t have that with their genitals. The side effects of birth control and potential pregnancy don’t physically effect men so selfish men are less sympathetic to what we go through. If you’re done/don’t want kids as a man, you should have the respect for your partner to go get a vasectomy.

    Edit: my husband’s doctor said this to us when he was considering his, “what makes more sense, wearing a bullet proof vest, or taking the bullets out of the gun.”

  11. The only downside is feeling like you were kicked in the balls for a week or so. And it costs money, where I was at least.

    Bonus a fairly hot nurse took her time to give me an extra shave. The doc was like “wow, she doesn’t usually do that.”. No complaints.

  12. Yes if you’re done having kids problem is there a lot of shaming around vasectomy because there are a lot of ignorant people who will just say, “It’s reversible” without knowing all the details behind reversal.

    We are in a culture where the sane people who say shaming is bad will be the first ones to shame, insult, and tear men for not getting it done.

  13. I had my vasectomy done when I was 35 after my wife and I had our last child. Never regretted doing so.

  14. I am 36 and Ive had mine done for over 2+ years and when I tell most women that I have it done, its a turn on to them. It has actually gotten me laid in a couple situations where I was shooting my shot and the chick was thinking whether to or not. When they hit me with, “im not on birth control and dont want to get pregnant” I told them I was snipped and they said hell yea legggo then

  15. Got mine 23 years ago. Next to my divorces, it was the best decision I have ever made.

  16. There is a slight chance (like 1 in anywhere from 1000 to 10000) that it can fail, but generally yeah.

    Hysterectomy is also an alternative, but it is a far more expensive and dangerous surgery.

  17. Had one after our third kid. It was a great decision. No difference at all in my performance, pleasure or function.

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