I need some honest advice and someone who is well rounded.

I’m in a hard place right now. I took off to NYC to move with $2,000. I went to a homeless shelter. Now I only have $500 left.

I’m not sure what I should do at this point. Please don’t suggest family. My family doesn’t understand and no don’t I have any I could rely on.

Moving to NYC has put me off track. I’m sure if I should stay here or move back to my home state.

The main reason why I took off to NYC was to better myself and the environment I was in the goal was to stay here for 1 year. (The environment I was in was very high stress and I got tired of always having to look over my shoulder around town. I’m from a small town and my family is very violent. I’ve had times where I’ve need help and my dad would do nothing but watch 😢). My parents didn’t raise me so I pretty much had to fend for myself.

I don’t have any money only $500 and don’t feel like staying in the shelter for 6+ months or even a year. The shelter is unsafe, the ppl here has put me on edge, and I’ve really put myself in a bad position. Not sure if I should stay here or go back home.

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