I am 23F and I’ve never been in a relationship. Heck, I’ve never even kissed anyone. I do feel like a loser.

Sometimes I say I’m not looking for a relationship, if it happens, it happens but I actually am. But the thing is when I think about what do I actually want from a relationship I think of safety and feeling protected. So I think that I’m probably toxic and egoistic to want that. And I really don’t want my romantic relationship partner to be the person who’ll help my anxiety and traumas. I want to be a strong person who can deal with her own shit and then I want to have a relationship. I’m just scared to be a burden for someone, I’m also scared I’ll fall out of love and that person who still loves me will be hurt.

TL;DR: I’m scared of relationships cuz I’m worried about hurting others.

1 comment
  1. What advice are you looking for?

    It sounds like maybe you could use some focused work to improve yourself and THEN assess what you’re looking for in a relationship! Are you in therapy?

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