My girlfriend (22F) and I (24M) don’t currently use sex toys. I would love to have my girlfriend wear a butt plug while we fuck. How do I approach asking her if that’s something she’s comfortable with without weirding her out. She’s more reserved while I’m a complete freak.

  1. Couple’s sex quiz might be a good start. Also, you can’t unknow those results. So once you take it you’ll either find out she’s a closet kinster or very vanilla. You’ll likely think about long term sexual compatibility.

  2. Second the suggestion for doing a quiz.
    If you’re going to suggest butt plugs then make sure you get a vibrator for her too.

    Also to note, my partner thought I was a good Christian girl so never showed me his freaky side until 3 years in when I just randomly asked him if he had any fantasies. I was just as shocked at his “yeah, loads” response as he was with my “oh, same” response. And when I asked him why he never said anything he just said I thought you were a good christian girl.
    Communicate. That was 3 years of getting freaky we missed out on. Don’t be us.

  3. “I think butt plugs are hot,, would you be into wearing one during sex?.” Like that.

  4. Took me 10 years to pull myself together to ask and she was surprised, but fine with it 🙂

    She knew how much of a butt guy I was so I just one day asked if she would mind if I brought her butt a bit more in focus and it was a big fantasy of mine.

  5. you know what she is going to ask why , now if you want to have anal sex with her be honest tell her let her think on it no pressure . be man not a boy

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