Social anxiety

  1. You don’t need to make eye contact with people you are just passing, don’t know, and are not speaking to.

  2. Thinking about it is what makes it awkward. When you don’t think about it the subconscious brain has a natural roadmap for eye contact that feels organic

  3. do you mean people you’re talking to or just people you’re passing?
    when you’re talking to someone, keep eye contact while the conversation is going on, drop it when there’s a silence or when you need to look forward for any reason.

    to people you’re passing, don’t keep eye contact with random people you’re passing. they’ll think it’s creepy. look ahead of you/where you’re going.

  4. I pretend i have a string tied right in the middle of my eyes and that it leads dead in front of me, i hate eye contact but looking at the floor with my lack of coordination is not wise lol, so i just try to keep my eyes focused straight ahead and look busy lol

  5. Why do you NEED to do that though? There’s no need to do that to every single person you meet. I only do eye contact on people I know and I expect to say hi to.

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