Lately I have been nervous and scared of talking to girls now. The reason why I feel like this because I am afraid that girls are just get up and walk away from me in a panic.

I may be akaward but I have not done anything that is creepy.

Is this a problem, if so how can it be stopped?

  1. Girls aren’t any different to you or I, aside from the obvious bits and pieces 🙂

    If you’re talking to a girl, just talk. Don’t think you have to be full of jokes or try to impress her. Just be friendly, listen and be interested. Girls like making friends with people as well.

    Too many youngsters nowadays put girls so high up on a pedestal that they make it impossible to actually engage with them on any level.

  2. Read a history book. Walking up and saying hi to someone is far from controversial in the history of people meeting each other. Same with being turned down gently or harshly. Some unassuming people beg on their knees not to be killed by invading armies yet they still get denied.

    Both love and war demand courage. Otherwise make peace with watching from the sidelines most of the time

  3. Honestly… put yourself out there before you become a 23 yo loser with 0 experience. Similar to games, each time you try a level you either get experience/knowledge or you get the items by being succesful, it’s never a full on loss.

    Just try to talk normaly. Don’t try to fake confidence either, that’s bs advice and can get you over analyzing your actions and that’s not ideal. At some point you’ll be able to talk normally.


  4. Focus on your principles. What is important to you? What kind of person do you want to be? Once you have that sorted out the women will cling to you like a magnet

  5. Just remember they are also human beings with feelings like you. Just like you may reject someone, they would also reject some

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