My wife is an angel, really. This morning we did our usual morning routine where I come down a bit earlier than she, get my coffee and do some reading until, maybe ten minutes or so later, she finishes up and comes down to join me. We’ve been married 33 years and I it still shocks me how beautiful she is. She is very physically attractive, for sure, very pretty, lovely figure and at 60 still in very fine form. But her demeanor and personality are equally beautiful, a perfect match. The way she moves, touches things, speaks, smiles are irresistible. She is sweet, kind, shy but friendly, and has the highest character. I question my luck quite regularly, even after all these years, I am still amazed at how fortunate I am. We start every single day with coffee together talking and end every day with a glass of wine the same way. Marriage can be incomparably wonderful and satisfying.

  1. This is what we all want. And I imagine she looks at you the same way. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love posts like this!! Sounds like you cherish her like something fierce! She is lucky to have you as much as you are lucky to have her. 🍀💕

  3. Bless you both I love this so much !! My husband and I are in our mid twenties married almost 4 years and we adore each other just as much but 33 years wow I could only imagine Thankyou for sharing such wonderfulness! ❤️

  4. At a time where I am questioning my marriage, I am truly inspired to read stories like these.

  5. I am genuinely happy for the both of you. Please tell me that she knows how you feel and that you make sure she knows on a regular basis. We all need to hear that from time to time.

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