What do you use to clean your semen? A towel you wash every two weeks? A roll of paper towels? Just curious.

  1. tissues or toilet paper, never understood why some people use a towel or something reusable it’s disgusting imo even if u wash it regularly

  2. my partner and I keep a set of black cotton dish clothes beside the bed. She uses one and I use one when we have sex. Each week we launder them. Black is important because white towels tend to pick up stains from the ejaculate and period blood and look pretty poor over time.

  3. My group of friends in high school weren’t terribly bashful about having sex where you might be walked in on, so it wasn’t uncommon for me to ask someone to throw me a towel. My initials are “GCR”, so some buddies had some monogrammed towels made for my 17th birthday with smaller print under the initials that said “G(my)’s Cum Rag”.

  4. First you need something dry and absorbent, paper towels. Then a warm wash cloth or wipes. If you go straight wet to wet it just smears.

  5. If you mean jerking off… toilet paper almost exclusively. Sometimes I just aim for the toilet. If you mean cleaning up my partner…? A warm wet wash cloth. A dry towel of some kind in a pinch (but have to be careful with that if I’m cleaning a freshly-glazed pussy… sensitive can equal ouchy).

  6. Kleenex, aim right onto the sucker. The way my penis is curved makes cleanup a breeze fir solo play

  7. We keep a stack of washcloths on the headboard next to the lube so one is placed between her legs when I’m done and another one makes a tidy tent. It’s easy for her to keep it in place until she’s fully drained or gone into the bathroom.

  8. Depends whos house I’m in really. Generally socks, cups, t-shirts etc. The usual places..

  9. When I need to clean my semen I just throw it into the washing machine on Gentle mode and then let it air dry. Then I just use a siphon to pour it back into my dick.

  10. How come nobody else here is talking about shooting it onto your belly and then just taking a couple of Gator rolls in the sheets?

  11. It depends on if my semen is going to church, to a concert, or just playing in the backyard. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

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