I already scrolled through multiple feeds and the answers are mostly FORD, “random things”, jokes and common interest but what are those “random things” If u could, please comment or send screenshots of these topics and how the conversation got into it.

I need a visual example to learn not just instructions.

At school, my convos are mostly light teasing, current activity, next class, and the food at lunch but I’m desperate for deeper more meaningful conversations.

I laugh a lot when I’m with a lot of people but I never know how to add to the convo. Can I get some references? It would mean a lot and really help me. Thank you!!

  1. Being an introvert I have very few close friends whom I talk to like once a month. But we always have meaningful conversations instead of just asking “what’re you you doing nowadays”. The most important part for me to know how are they feeling basically. Like are they happy with what they’re doing. And if they’re not I ask them what’s stopping them, and it goes both ways.

    Usually people don’t like to bring the “happiness” part in the conversation to keep it light, but it just feels superficial to me. So I always try to ask this question. Because that’s what matters

  2. Ask them about something they’re wearing. If it’s a band shirt, ask about the band. I like to ask people about comedians they like. If you are baffled by something, ask their opinions. Like if you’re stuck in a video game or need help with homework.
    Real conversations require give and take from both people. Trust works in friendships as other relationships. If someone opens up to you, you can gather the courage to reciprocate that at some point. Of course, opening up to someone shouldn’t create the expectation that they will reciprocate. That’s what makes it more meaningful when they or you do.

  3. when you want something to be meaningful, it helps a lot to relate the topics back to FEELINGS. i mean, thats what life is all about, isnt it? we all do things that make us feel some way. pretty much anything you can talk about you can connect it back to how it makes you and the other person feel. so dont just say “whats your next class”, or “whatcha doing”, but maybe ask, “what do you like about this class and why”, and share how you feel about it, or ask about why they enjoy their hobbies. and its super easy to segue into these emotion-embedded topics because these questions dont even sound that deep or thought-provoking! but usually it will lead the convo into a meaningful place where you can actually connect with the other person on an emotional level.

  4. We’re in our mid 20s and just talk about philosophy, basic psychology and women. Sometimes about work. We talk about our feelings as well and are always there for each other.

    Don’t force yourself to do this, it’s a natural process as you age and mature. For now, just talk about random BS and have fun!

  5. With the closest people it’s really just like Seinfeld coffee shop dialogue. Like how the Bermuda triangle used to be a much bigger deal or discussing which is the best dinosaur. You know.. just conversations about nothing. Obviously also about life and work and politics or what not. But a lot is just enjoying each others company.

  6. Me and my best friend love creating conspiracy theories about children’s shows. I have a young daughter, so whenever she comes over, we are usually watching kids’ shows for the first bit and just start laughing about the crazy societies the characters may live in. She’s a teacher and competitive weight lifter, so she will also tell me about her competitions and hilariously devout personal trainer.

    Relationships and lack thereof, dogs, plans for the next year. Really, whatever pops in the head.

  7. About bettering yourselves and how we’ve noticed ways to do that… also noticing aloud the toxic habits we may not realize are affecting us as much ae they are… etc etc… hopefully somewhat deep stuff either way though, if not, then they may as well just be an acquaintance, really, which is next to nothing at all, really

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