I’m in a trio friendship and the two never include me. They always do tik tok only together, buy food only for each other, talk to each other, etc- I’m always left out. Tbh it’s been like that all my life. People just don’t like. Even when we had 4 ppl in our friend group the girl that left that was a friend would after only talk to me to ask me to do a favour. Then people wonder why I eat alone, walk alone etc. I fucking hate people. Never will I have friends again after my graduation

1 comment
  1. A lot of times when people get stuck in this situation it’s because they don’t know what their best self looks like. People need reasons to choose friends, and we’re often stuck on autopilot because we do things the way we’re used to doing them. So even though the default version of ourselves isn’t the best version, it’s what we’re used to so we don’t think about changing it. Or, even if we WANT to change it, we’re not sure what the next step is.

    I wrote an article that talks about friendship traits, which is a sample of things that you can practice in order to be more appealing. One interesting thing about that is that although you *will* be more appealing to other people, it’s also true you may even be more appealing to yourself! Which really should be the most important thing.

    ###[Do YOU Have Good Friendship Traits?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPRForYourSocialLife/comments/13jp5gv/pick_me_do_you_have_good_friendship_traits/)

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