I’m talking to this girl and we get along great but I’m getting mixed signals from her. We’ve been in the talking stage for a few weeks but every time I ask her out she says no. One time she said she was busy and another time she said she had to go over to her dads for the weekend which I can understand. I asked her out the twice, once each of the first weeks we were talking. I decided not to ask her on a date last week because I didn’t want to seem pushy. I want to ask her out again because we’ve been talking a lot more lately but I don’t want to keep getting rejected. What would be an appropriate place to take her to for the date? I’m thinkin bout taking her to dinner and then go to the football game at my school on friday but I’m not sure.
How much longer should I keep trying before giving up?
TLDR: Girl and I talk a lot and get along great but she won’t say yes to a date, how long should I keep trying, and where should I take her if she says ves?

  1. how long have you been lasting in bed with her? how many times ya bang bang? shes obviously dating other men. you are doing a little bit too much and shes prob feeling overwhelmed by you. i feel overwhelmed by you already. there needs to be flirting sexual tension banter. shes not yours bro, its just your turn. you need to look at it as its you vs the other guys shes talking to. they always gonna chase the guys who don’t put them on a pedestal. let women tell you how they feel, let them tell you they want a relationship. she can’t chase you if your always around doing the chasing. There’s a lot for you to learn from reading your post. I can recommend some YouTubers to watch, and I will say the more videos you watch, the more you will know what to do in XYZ situation 1—anthonyspade reactions 2. Manosphere highlights daily 3. Black Filipino TV 4. Legion of men 5. living a life of abundance. 6. casual bachelor 7. Fbe capital 8. Modern life dating 9. ReplicantPhish 10. Taylor the fiend 11. mtr (mediocre tutorials and reviews)
    12. Tribe report 14. The celebrity junk 15. Oshay duke Jacksn 16. MJ get right 17. man reacts 18. better bachelor 19. amala ekpunobi 20. coach greg adams

    The funniest YouTuber here is living a life of abundance, so have your popcorn ready. If you want to go deep, check out MJ Get Right and Anthonyspade reaction videos from 1-2 years ago, and everyone else brings a unique flavor to teaching you about the dating scene with women. MJ has three videos with the word validate, after watching that i got laid on the same day. the only problem is, learning this stuff at 28yr instead of 18yr where i wish i knew it to have dated a lot more in my teens and early 20s. ;/

    In 6 months or less, your brain will generate all the answers you are looking for once you have enough information from all the videos you watched of every possible dating situation you saw

    If you drive, then try to play a few videos to listen to. You’ll learn a lot faster. Get a second phone like I did if you need to separate GPS from what you are playing.

    Lastly, read the comments under each video; you may learn a thing or two. I managed to create a mini “daily reminders” to read daily just from snatching solid comments that affected me in someway to move forward in life. anyways follow this and in a few months you’ll be a whole different animal.

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