I need some motivation. I lie in bed when I don’t have to work and dread the day. Sure, I exercise, run a couple K’s in a built up urban spawl, have a decent job I guess, meet friends once or twice a month when we can get together, watch shitty TV, a game or 2, and on and on. I wish I was like Calvin, motivated to explore the whole world!!! What are some things that make your race out of bed in the morning to do that activity or work on that project or go someplace?

  1. Photography! I want to get to the top of a mountain to shoot the sunrise, out in the woods to get shots of animals, into downtown to get shots of the city before it gets busy, etc.

    Also, breakfast and coffee.

  2. I used to hate waking up early but you kind of have to for surfing and I love it now because I’m done and home by 10 am and have done all my physical activity for the day already and it was pure joy

  3. Nothing specific tbh. I’ve just grown to enjoy the ability to wake up early, make my bed, tidy up, make my coffee and enjoy the early morning solitude and serenity.

  4. Electric skateboarding. I grew up skating but didn’t have the time to push a board around all the areas near me. Built an electric offroad board and have been exploring all the parks like a giddy child for the last 5 years. I’ve attached a bike trailer to it so I can bring my son with me or 5 cases of beer.

  5. Something social especially going out with friends I am so reserved in everyday life I talk to myself to talk yo someone so on occasions I do go out with friends I get all fuzzy and energetic. But for an every day activity that gets me up it is usually cooking or the 6000 word inquiry on gender in first nations peoples in the pacific due that night and I haven’t started it.

    My motivations to get out of bed are boredom, fear or excitement but usually they have to kick box my anxiety and procrastination before I actually get moving.

  6. The thing that gets me out of bed is my dog. She jumps on the bed when the alarm goes off

  7. I make a point of going early to the gym Saturday and Sunday (9-10 ish). I’ve programmed my favorite exercises those days as motivation. It works.

  8. Nothing makes me move faster than hearing the garbage truck and realizing that I forgot to take the bins to the end of the driveway.

  9. A nice bike ride in good weather. Especially when you know it’s going to get uncomfortably hot around noon.

    Or homemade granola.

  10. Back when I was in my late 20s, I used to race out of bed… to go racing.

    Bright and early to make a trip to the raceway to help the SCCA set up their autocross courses on race weekends. Unfortunately almost none of the friends I made during racing at the time still do so… and neither do I. Life just got too busy and I found other priorities.

  11. Go to the gym early enough that I can still get a bench press.
    Go to the basketball court and shoot some hoops before the teenagers wake up and take it over. Take my car to the race track in time for the 9am safety briefing

  12. When I’m absolutely busting for a first thing in the morning shit. It doesn’t happen too often but when it does, it’s kicking the door down.

    Otherwise very little aside from the screaming of my children.

  13. I love waking up early enough that it’s still pretty brisk and foggy out and sit outside and drink a coffee or tea and just relax. I’d kill to do it every morning.

  14. I fish. Where I live it has pretty good fishing. I can’t snowboard anymore so I fish.

    Great way to get away from the phones and bullshit of everyday work and life.

  15. I used to get up early for Elite Dangerous live streams from Frontier Dev but they really can’t keep their shit together this year.

  16. Jump on my motorcycle and go for a cruise.
    Write and record a song.
    Practice 3D modeling.
    Work on my horrible screenplay.
    Any of the hobbies that still bring me joy that I didn’t have time for during the work week. You’re the only person responsible for your happiness. Do something for the fun of it, not to monetize it or whatever and you’ll find plenty of reasons to get up in the morning

  17. The only thing that’s ever made me get out of bed on my first alarm is meeting up with people–to make it to an early practice, to go mountain biking, to run, whatever it is. If I’m meeting other people, I won’t let them down. Can I motivate to wake up for a solo early run? Not usually.

  18. I race out of bed for building racecars. Just opened my own shop and it takes all my time but i feel so alive!

  19. On work days I get up at 5 am and don’t see my family so I don’t race out of bed on my days off. I lie next to my wife and tell her how much I love waking up next to her. Then at 7:30 my daughter will open the door and bring in my wife’s cup of tea and our 2 dogs will come rushing in super excited and race from side to side of the bed to get in our faces. It never ceases to amaze how excited they are each day no matter what. Then my teenage daughter and my wife will sip their teas for a few minutes patting the dogs and then get up. My wife will take the dogs outside while my daughter gets the dogs breakfast. Then my wife makes me a coffee and breaks it to me in bed while I read news. Some days I can’t believe how lucky I am.

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