So, last night I dressed very nicely, shaved my whole body so it’s smooth and soft, did my hair and tried hard on my makeup, but my boyfriend barely said anything. After I saw him I immediately said how well he looked like and he responded with “you look great, too”. That’s it. I didn’t hear anything else from him for the rest of the night. He also only kissed me once in lips without a tongue when we met and that’s it. No more touching, no more compliments, nothing else did I hear from him. And I felt so sad and unappreciated, because I LOVED how I looked that night. I looked so hot and sexy, and I wanted to hear that and feel it from the person I did it for. What should I do? Should I give this person a chance, or if someone is just built this way, then it it was it is?

1 comment
  1. This is definitely an issue that is very common. You presented yourself for your person and when they didn’t acknowledge you in the way that you thought appropriate you’re now insecure and upset.

    Step back and from the very little information provided understand that we all are individuals. I have different thoughts as my spouse, and they have different thoughts than you, you have different thoughts than the next person. We are all thinking different things from one another.

    Also each of us have active problems in our head that we are trying to solve at any one moment. Walking through everyday life with blinders on not aware of what’s in front of us. That problem needs to be solved.

    Is the rent bill paid? What was that noise in the car when I made a left turn? Am I hungry? Should I go to the gym? My back hurts? What did I get on that math test? Is my mom and dad getting a divorce?

    If your person is having a moment you need to initiate the connection to help bring them back out of their head. They aren’t ignoring you. They aren’t being mean. They are perhaps dealing with things in their head and can’t snap out of it.

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